AWO Kindergarten Eichenweg

We in Bargteheide

Eichenweg 9, 22941 Bargteheide

Über uns

Der AWO Kindergarten Eichenweg ist ein Ort, an dem Kinder ihre natürliche Neugierde und ihren Forscherdrang ausleben können. Hier wird Kindern der Raum gegeben, eigene Erfahrungen zu machen und sich zu selbstständigen sowie gemeinschaftsfähigen Persönlichkeiten zu entwickeln. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Freude am Entdecken und Lernen durch eigenes Tun. Der Kindergarten befindet sich im Osten von Bargteheide, einem Stadtteil, der sich durch einen demografischen Wandel auszeichnet, in dem zunehmend junge Familien ansässig werden. Die Einrichtung ist tief in die örtliche Gemeinschaft integriert und arbeitet eng mit Schulen, Beratungsstellen, Therapeuten und dem Familienzentrum zusammen. Diese Netzwerke helfen dabei, die Familien individuell zu unterstützen und zu begleiten.

Unser Haus

Pädagogisches Konzept

Unsere Stärken

Pedagogical concepts

Semi-open concept

A semi-open concept offers the children both fixed reference groups and the opportunity to freely explore other areas of the daycare center and activities.Read more

Integrative approach

The integrative approach includes children with and without special needs and supports the inclusion and mutual development of all children.Read more

Situational approach

The aim of the situational approach is for all children – from different social and cultural backgrounds and with different developmental requirements – to acquire experiences and skills.Read more

Nature and environmental education

Nature and environmental education places value on nature experiences and environmental protection and promotes the development of ecological awareness among children.

Aesthetic education (music and art)

Aesthetic education (music and art) integrates artistic and musical activities to promote children's creative and aesthetic development.

Scientific education

Science education promotes children's interest in science and technology through experimental learning and age-appropriate projects.


Crib area

The crèche area is specially equipped to care for toddlers aged 0-3 years and offers an age-appropriate environment and educational care.

Elementary level

The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.

Flexible care times

Flexible care times offer parents the opportunity to adapt the care times individually to their needs and working hours.

Age structure

Mixed ages

Mixed-age groups look after children of different ages together, ideal for institutions that value collaborative learning.

Opening hours

Monday7:30 - 15:00Tuesday7:30 - 15:00Wednesday7:30 - 15:00Thursday7:30 - 15:00Friday7:30 - 15:00Saturday-Sunday-


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