DRK Kindertageseinrichtung Familienzentrum Quickborn

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We for 0.5 - 10.5 year olds in Quickborn

Talstraße 18, 25451 Quickborn Pinneberg - Quickborn-Ort

Kindergarten Quickborn


Unser Kindergarten bietet eine ganzheitliche Erziehung und Bildung für Kinder im Alter von drei bis sechs Jahren. Wir orientieren uns am Situationsansatz und gehen individuell auf die Bedürfnisse und Interessen der Kinder ein. Im Mittelpunkt steht das spielerische Lernen und die Förderung der sozialen, emotionalen, kognitiven und motorischen Entwicklung.


Montag bis Freitag: 7:30 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr


Unser Kindergarten verfügt über helle und freundliche Räume, die den Kindern viel Platz zum Spielen und Lernen bieten. Es gibt einen großen Gruppenraum, einen Nebenraum, eine Bauecke, eine Puppenecke, eine Leseecke und eine Kreativecke. Im Außenbereich befindet sich ein großer Spielplatz mit Sandkasten, Rutsche, Schaukel und Klettergerüst.


  • Freispiel und angeleitete Aktivitäten
  • Kreatives Gestalten (Malen, Basteln, Werken)
  • Singen, Tanzen und Musizieren
  • Bewegungsspiele im Innen- und Außenbereich
  • Sprachförderung (Geschichten, Gedichte, Reime)
  • Naturerkundungen
  • Ausflüge und Feste


Unser erfahrenes und qualifiziertes Betreuungsteam besteht aus staatlich anerkannten Erzieherinnen und Erziehern. Sie arbeiten eng zusammen, um eine liebevolle und anregende Atmosphäre für die Kinder zu schaffen.


Wir legen großen Wert auf eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern. Es finden regelmäßige Elternabende und Entwicklungsgespräche statt. Außerdem bieten wir Elterncafés und Workshops zu verschiedenen Themen an.

Pedagogical concepts

Toy free

Toy-free daycare centers do not use conventional toys and instead encourage children’s creativity and independence through everyday materials.Read more

Movement education

Movement education integrates movement, games and sports into everyday daycare life and thus promotes the motor and social development of children.

Democracy Daycare

Democracy daycare centers promote children’s participation and enable them to actively shape decisions and everyday processes.

Regular offer (fixed group structure)

Regular offer (fixed group structure) organizes the day-to-day life in fixed groups in which the children learn and pursue activities together.

Nature and environmental education

Nature and environmental education places value on nature experiences and environmental protection and promotes the development of ecological awareness among children.

Situation-oriented approach

The situation-oriented approach refers to the individual needs and interests of the children and promotes their self-determination and participation.


Crib area

The crèche area is specially equipped to care for toddlers aged 0-3 years and offers an age-appropriate environment and educational care.

Elementary level

The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.

Integration assistance

Integration assistance supports children with special needs and promotes their inclusion and participation in the daycare center and their social environment.


An after-school care center offers care and support for school children after school, for example through homework support, leisure activities and shared meals.

Follow-up care for preschool class

Follow-up care Preschool class offers additional care for preschool children and supports them in their development to enable a successful transition to school.

Special health and/or nutrition concept

A special health and/or nutrition concept places emphasis on a healthy, balanced diet and promotes awareness of healthy lifestyle habits among children.


Barrier-free daycare centers are accessible to children and parents with reduced mobility and offer an environment without obstacles to movement and participation.

Flexible care times

Flexible care times offer parents the opportunity to adapt the care times individually to their needs and working hours.

Berlin model

The Berlin model is a concept that supports parents in getting used to everyday kindergarten life. In various phases and with the support of a caregiver, the children are familiarized with the new environment and the educators.

Age structure

Mixed ages

Mixed-age groups look after children of different ages together, ideal for institutions that value collaborative learning.

Opening hours

Monday8:00 - 16:00Tuesday8:00 - 16:00Wednesday8:00 - 16:00Thursday8:00 - 16:00Friday8:00 - 16:00Saturday-Sunday-


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