Integrativer Naturkindergarten „Füchse“

We for 3 - 6 year olds in Haimhausen

Weg zum Badeweiher , 85778 Haimhausen

Über uns

Der Naturkindergarten Haimhausen bietet Kindern einen besonderen Ort in der freien Natur, an dem sie ganzheitlich gefördert werden. In der Nähe des Heiglweihers, eingebettet in eine naturnahe Umgebung, erleben die Kinder jeden Tag die Schönheit der Natur und ihrer Jahreszeiten. Die beiden Gruppen, liebevoll „Füchse“ und „Hasen“ genannt, geben bis zu 20 Kindern in einer Regelgruppe und 15 Kindern in einer integrativen Gruppe die Möglichkeit, Teil einer Gemeinschaft zu werden, in der sie die Natur spielerisch erkunden und ihre Sinne schärfen können. Diese enge Verbindung zur Natur ermöglicht den Kindern eine einzigartige, tief verwurzelte Naturverbundenheit, die sie durch das gesamte Jahr hindurch begleitet.

Der Kindergarten richtet sich an Kinder im Alter von drei Jahren bis zur Einschulung. Er bietet ihnen die Gelegenheit, im Freien zu spielen, zu lernen und gemeinsam mit Gleichaltrigen zu wachsen. Die Kinder erleben hier nicht nur die Freiheit, die Natur zu erkunden, sondern sie entwickeln auch ein ausgeprägtes Bewusstsein für den Schutz und die Wertschätzung der Umwelt.

Unser Haus

Pädagogisches Konzept

Unsere Stärken

Gemeinschaft und Zusammenarbeit


Daycare voucher

The daycare voucher system ensures that Hamburg families receive childcare that meets their needs. The aim is to guarantee children the care they need and to provide them with high-quality care, education and support.

Elementary level

The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.

Integration assistance

Integration assistance supports children with special needs and promotes their inclusion and participation in the daycare center and their social environment.

Flexible care times

Flexible care times offer parents the opportunity to adapt the care times individually to their needs and working hours.

Pedagogical concepts

Integrative approach

The integrative approach includes children with and without special needs and supports the inclusion and mutual development of all children.Read more

Ecological education

Ecological education places emphasis on sustainability and environmental protection and gives children an awareness of ecological connections.Read more

Forest or nature kindergarten

Forest or nature kindergartens spend most of their time outdoors and promote understanding and appreciation for nature.Read more

Situational approach

The aim of the situational approach is for all children – from different social and cultural backgrounds and with different developmental requirements – to acquire experiences and skills.Read more

Toy free

Toy-free daycare centers do not use conventional toys and instead encourage children’s creativity and independence through everyday materials.Read more

Integration of children with disabilities

Integration of children with disabilities includes children with different abilities and needs in everyday daycare life and promotes their joint development and participation.

Movement education

Movement education integrates movement, games and sports into everyday daycare life and thus promotes the motor and social development of children.

Nature and environmental education

Nature and environmental education places value on nature experiences and environmental protection and promotes the development of ecological awareness among children.

Aesthetic education (music and art)

Aesthetic education (music and art) integrates artistic and musical activities to promote children's creative and aesthetic development.

Scientific education

Science education promotes children's interest in science and technology through experimental learning and age-appropriate projects.

Opening hours

Monday7:30 - 15:00Tuesday7:30 - 15:00Wednesday7:30 - 15:00Thursday7:30 - 15:00Friday7:30 - 15:00Saturday-Sunday-


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