Burgermühlstraße 69, 85368 Moosburg
After you have entered your data, we will send a non-binding and uncomplicated request to the facility for you.
Kindergarten St.Kastulus
Fronängerstraße 3 - 85368 Moosburg
Evangelischer Kindergarten "Villa Kunterbunt"
Schleienstraße 3 - 85368 Moosburg
Kindergarten St. Elisabeth
Thalbacher Str. 8 - 85368 Moosburg
Naturkindergarten Wind und Wetter
Stadtbadstraße 17 - 85368 Moosburg
Heilpädagogische Kindertagesstätte
Poststraße 7 - 85368 Moosburg
Lebenshilfe Freising e.V., Integrative Kita InKiMo
Sudetenlandstraße 14 - 85368 Moosburg
You can verify your facility with us free of charge and then edit and manage it.