Ballin Kita MiLa

We for 1 - 6 year olds in Hamburg

Am Gleisdreieck 7a, 21033 Hamburg


Zertifiziert von der Stiftung Kinder forschen
Das bundesweite Forschungsprogramm für Kitas, Horte und Grundschulen. Es fördert gute frühe MINT-Bildung (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik) und nachhaltiges Handeln durch gemeinsames Entdecken und Forschen im pädagogischen Alltag der Kinder.

Qualitätsentwicklung nach PQ-Sys®
Wir sind Mitglied im unabhängigen Dachverband und der Qualitätsgemeinschaft Kita. Auf der Grundlage des PARITÄTISCHEN Qualitätssystems PQ-Sys® evaluieren und verbessern alle Kitas stetig ihre Arbeit. Dazu gehören eine Fortbildungsverpflichtung aller Mitarbeitenden und eine fortlaufende Konzeptionsentwicklung.

Geförderte Sprach-Kita
Das Programm des Bundes fördert alltagsintegrierte sprachliche Bildung als festen Bestandteil in der Kindertagesbetreuung. Durch Sprache erschließen wir uns die Welt, treten mit Menschen in Kontakt und eignen uns Wissen an. Sie ist einer der Grundsteine für Chancengleichheit.

Über uns



Daycare voucher

The daycare voucher system ensures that Hamburg families receive childcare that meets their needs. The aim is to guarantee children the care they need and to provide them with high-quality care, education and support.

Crib area

The crèche area is specially equipped to care for toddlers aged 0-3 years and offers an age-appropriate environment and educational care.

Elementary level

The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.

Integration assistance

Integration assistance supports children with special needs and promotes their inclusion and participation in the daycare center and their social environment.

Pedagogical concepts

Integrative approach

The integrative approach includes children with and without special needs and supports the inclusion and mutual development of all children.Read more

Integration of children with disabilities

Integration of children with disabilities includes children with different abilities and needs in everyday daycare life and promotes their joint development and participation.

Movement education

Movement education integrates movement, games and sports into everyday daycare life and thus promotes the motor and social development of children.

Hamburg Education Recommendation

The educational recommendations use many practical examples to describe how children's learning processes can be encouraged in everyday daycare life, through shared play, in planned projects and through a stimulating environment. These recommendations distinguish seven educational areas in which children should gain experience during their daycare life in order to acquire basic skills.

Age structure

Mixed ages

Mixed-age groups look after children of different ages together, ideal for institutions that value collaborative learning.

Opening hours

Monday7:00 - 17:00Tuesday7:00 - 17:00Wednesday7:00 - 17:00Thursday7:00 - 17:00Friday7:00 - 17:00Saturday-Sunday-


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