DRK Kindertagesstätte "Steinburg-Stubben"

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We for 1 - 6.5 year olds in Steinburg

Eichedeer Straße 16, 22964 Steinburg Kreis Stormarn

Über uns

Die DRK Kita Steinburg-Stubben befindet sich im idyllischen Ortsteil Mollhagen und wird von einem weitläufigen, naturnahen und hügeligen Außengelände umgeben. Eingebettet in eine Umgebung, die zu Bewegung und Entdeckungen einlädt, profitiert die Einrichtung von ihrer direkten Nachbarschaft zur Grundschule, zu Sportplätzen sowie einem nahegelegenen Wald. Diese Nähe ermöglicht eine Vielfalt an Ausflügen, sportlichen Aktivitäten und kreativen Spielmöglichkeiten. Die Kita versteht sich als ein Ort der Geborgenheit und Entfaltung, an dem Kinder durch pädagogische Fachkräfte begleitet werden. Hier wird jedes Kind in seiner Einzigartigkeit wahrgenommen und gefördert.

Unser Haus

Unser Ansatz

Unsere Stärken

Pedagogical concepts

Montessori pedagogy

Montessori pedagogy promotes children’s independence and personal responsibility through a prepared environment and individually adapted learning materials.Read more

Open concept

An open concept allows children to freely explore different areas and activities within the daycare center and to pursue their interests independently.Read more

Situational approach

The aim of the situational approach is for all children – from different social and cultural backgrounds and with different developmental requirements – to acquire experiences and skills.Read more

Integration of children with disabilities

Integration of children with disabilities includes children with different abilities and needs in everyday daycare life and promotes their joint development and participation.

Nature and environmental education

Nature and environmental education places value on nature experiences and environmental protection and promotes the development of ecological awareness among children.


Crib area

The crèche area is specially equipped to care for toddlers aged 0-3 years and offers an age-appropriate environment and educational care.

Elementary level

The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.

Special health and/or nutrition concept

A special health and/or nutrition concept places emphasis on a healthy, balanced diet and promotes awareness of healthy lifestyle habits among children.

Flexible care times

Flexible care times offer parents the opportunity to adapt the care times individually to their needs and working hours.

Age structure

Mixed ages

Mixed-age groups look after children of different ages together, ideal for institutions that value collaborative learning.


Age-homogeneous groups are for children of the same age, suitable for daycare centers that offer developmental phase-specific care.



Opening hours

Monday7:00 - 17:00Tuesday7:00 - 17:00Wednesday7:00 - 17:00Thursday7:00 - 17:00Friday7:00 - 17:00Saturday-Sunday-


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