The daycare voucher system ensures that Hamburg families receive childcare that meets their needs. The aim is to guarantee children the care they need and to provide them with high-quality care, education and support.
Crib area
The crèche area is specially equipped to care for toddlers aged 0-3 years and offers an age-appropriate environment and educational care.
Elementary level
The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.
Follow-up care for preschool class
Follow-up care Preschool class offers additional care for preschool children and supports them in their development to enable a successful transition to school.
Pedagogical concepts
Religious education
Religious education integrates religious values and practices into everyday life and promotes the spiritual development of children.Read more
Age structure
Mixed ages
Mixed-age groups look after children of different ages together, ideal for institutions that value collaborative learning.