KiTa Mobi

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We for 1 - 6 year olds in Hamburg

Grandweg 95, 22529 Hamburg

Über uns

Die Kita Mobi befindet sich im Herzen eines Neubaugebiets in Lokstedt und bietet auf zwei Etagen eine moderne und liebevoll gestaltete Umgebung für Kinder. In den hellen, freundlich eingerichteten Räumen, die viel Platz für Bewegung und Aktivitäten bieten, betreut das engagierte Team Krippen- und Elementarkinder bis hin zur Brückenjahrgruppe. Besonderer Wert wird auf eine enge Kooperation mit den Eltern gelegt, um den Kindern eine harmonische und unterstützende Umgebung zu bieten. Die Kita ist ein wichtiger Treffpunkt für Familien im Stadtteil und fördert durch zahlreiche Angebote eine aktive Beteiligung aller.

Unser Haus

Pädagogisches Konzept

Unsere Stärken

Pedagogical concepts

Bilingual education

Bilingual education teaches children two languages at the same time, thus promoting their cultural openness and language skills.Read more

Semi-open concept

A semi-open concept offers the children both fixed reference groups and the opportunity to freely explore other areas of the daycare center and activities.Read more

Movement education

Movement education integrates movement, games and sports into everyday daycare life and thus promotes the motor and social development of children.

Regular offer (fixed group structure)

Regular offer (fixed group structure) organizes the day-to-day life in fixed groups in which the children learn and pursue activities together.

Standard offer (open group structure)

Regular offer with open group structure corresponds to standard care, where children choose activities themselves, their independence is encouraged and they help shape everyday life in the daycare center.

Nature and environmental education

Nature and environmental education places value on nature experiences and environmental protection and promotes the development of ecological awareness among children.


Crib area

The crèche area is specially equipped to care for toddlers aged 0-3 years and offers an age-appropriate environment and educational care.

Elementary level

The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.

Integration assistance

Integration assistance supports children with special needs and promotes their inclusion and participation in the daycare center and their social environment.

Follow-up care for preschool class

Follow-up care Preschool class offers additional care for preschool children and supports them in their development to enable a successful transition to school.

Special health and/or nutrition concept

A special health and/or nutrition concept places emphasis on a healthy, balanced diet and promotes awareness of healthy lifestyle habits among children.



Opening hours

Monday7:00 - 18:00Tuesday7:00 - 18:00Wednesday7:00 - 18:00Thursday7:00 - 18:00Friday7:00 - 18:00Saturday-Sunday-


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