Integrative approach
In the integrative approach, children with and without disabilities are brought together in one day care group. The focus is on promoting togetherness and tolerance. The aim of the concept is to promote equal opportunities for children with disabilities (in society).
Children with and without disabilities in one group
In the inclusive approach - in contrast to the inclusive approach - it is assumed that the structures to eliminate inequalities between children with and without disabilities are already in place. It is about bringing children with and without disabilities together in a group and letting them experience things together. The foundation stone for this was laid by Pestalozzi, who at that time also advocated the education of children with disabilities. The educators: Those who work in an inclusive day-care centre have special training. The ratio of caregivers is also higher than in normal daycare centres. There are more caregivers per child in inclusive day care centres.
The Inclusive Approach - A Concept of Tolerance & Acceptance
The focus is on the acceptance of the differences of children with and without disabilities, without judging the differences. On the one hand, the individuality and uniqueness of the children is recognised and at the same time accepted without judgement. Values to be taught to the children are consideration, tolerance and togetherness. A combination with other concepts such as open, semi-open or situational approaches seems possible in order to further promote integration and equal opportunities for children with disabilities.
Advantages of the integrative approach are:
Promoting tolerance and social behaviour
Children with and without disabilities come into contact and can learn from each other
Children with disabilities are supported
Barriers and obstacles for children with disabilities are removed
More acceptance of difference and otherness
Disadvantages could be identified:
Higher costs
Few places for children with disabilities
Prejudices against inclusive kindergartens
Staff shortage despite higher staffing ratio
Few integration specialists