
Forest or nature kindergarten

A central aspect of forest and nature kindergartens is that the children spend a large part of the day - regardless of the season - in the forest and in nature. The aim is to give the children the opportunity to discover and experience nature with all their senses and thus build up a connection to nature.

Origin in Denmark

The approach of nature kindergartens goes back to the Danish woman Ella Flatau. Flatau liked to spend a lot of time in the forest with her own children. From this she eventually developed the concept of nature education and founded the first forest kindergarten worldwide in 1952. In Germany, the first Waldkita was founded in 1969. Today, three main currents can be distinguished:

Forest or nature kindergartens near you

Concept of the forest and nature kindergartens

The aim of forest and nature kindergartens is to give children the opportunity to develop a deep relationship with nature, to have experiences in nature and in the forest and to learn how to use natural resources sparingly. In line with reform pedagogical concepts, such as those of Celestin Freinet or Maria Montessori, one of the main elements is that the children control their own development.

Learning objectives in the context of forest and nature kindergartens are, for example: Observing plants and animals in their natural habitat, getting to know the seasons and the rhythm of nature, and developing an understanding of the connection between humans and nature. The forest and nature are not only places of learning, they are also places of play for the children. Here, too, natural resources are to be used. Through movement in nature, the children's gross and fine motor skills should also be promoted. An important factor here is the children's clothing, as they are outside in almost all weather conditions.