KiTa Eulennest

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We for 1 - 6 year olds in Hamburg

Finkenau 11, 22081 Hamburg

Über uns

Die bilinguale Kita Eulennest in Hamburg Barmbek-Süd bietet Krippen- und Elementarkindern sowie Kindern mit besonderem Förderbedarf eine Umgebung voller Lern- und Spielmöglichkeiten. Gelegen in einem modernen Neubau, der direkt an eine Seniorenresidenz grenzt, hat die Kita ein anregendes Umfeld geschaffen, das von einem großzügigen Außengelände ergänzt wird. Seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten bietet das Eulennest eine sichere und inspirierende Umgebung, in der Kinder spielerisch und entdeckend die Welt erkunden und sich selbst entwickeln können. In direkter Nähe zur U-Bahn Mundsburg gelegen, ist die Kita zudem gut erreichbar und befindet sich in einer ruhigen, verkehrsberuhigten Straße, die den Kindern sicheren Freiraum gewährt.

Unser Haus

Unser Ansatz

Unsere Stärken


Daycare voucher

The daycare voucher system ensures that Hamburg families receive childcare that meets their needs. The aim is to guarantee children the care they need and to provide them with high-quality care, education and support.

Crib area

The crèche area is specially equipped to care for toddlers aged 0-3 years and offers an age-appropriate environment and educational care.

Elementary level

The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.

Integration assistance

Integration assistance supports children with special needs and promotes their inclusion and participation in the daycare center and their social environment.

Follow-up care for preschool class

Follow-up care Preschool class offers additional care for preschool children and supports them in their development to enable a successful transition to school.

Pedagogical concepts

Bilingual education

Bilingual education teaches children two languages at the same time, thus promoting their cultural openness and language skills.Read more

Integrative approach

The integrative approach includes children with and without special needs and supports the inclusion and mutual development of all children.Read more


Theater education uses performing arts to promote children’s creative and emotional development and to strengthen their ability to express themselves.Read more

Ecological education

Ecological education places emphasis on sustainability and environmental protection and gives children an awareness of ecological connections.Read more

Open concept

An open concept allows children to freely explore different areas and activities within the daycare center and to pursue their interests independently.Read more

Reggio Pädagogik

Reggio pedagogy places value on the environment as a third educator and promotes children’s independence and creativity through project work.Read more

Movement education

Movement education integrates movement, games and sports into everyday daycare life and thus promotes the motor and social development of children.

Intercultural education

Intercultural education promotes cultural diversity and respectful treatment of different cultural backgrounds and traditions.

Aesthetic education (music and art)

Aesthetic education (music and art) integrates artistic and musical activities to promote children's creative and aesthetic development.

Scientific education

Science education promotes children's interest in science and technology through experimental learning and age-appropriate projects.

Opening hours

Monday7:00 - 17:30Tuesday7:00 - 17:30Wednesday7:00 - 17:30Thursday7:00 - 17:30Friday7:00 - 17:30Saturday-Sunday-


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