KiTa Probsteier

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We for 1 - 6 year olds in Hamburg

Probsteier Straße 35, 22049 Hamburg

Über uns

Der Bildungskindergarten „Probsteier“ ist eine liebevolle und familiäre Einrichtung, die Platz für 35 Kinder bietet. Er richtet sich an Kinder im Alter von einem Jahr bis zum Schuleintritt und begleitet sie durch eine entscheidende Phase ihrer Entwicklung. Im Bildungskindergarten „Probsteier“ wird großer Wert auf eine ganzheitliche und individuelle Förderung gelegt, die sowohl den Kopf als auch das Herz und die Hände der Kinder einbezieht. Dies ermöglicht jedem Kind, sich optimal zu entfalten und seine Fähigkeiten in einer harmonischen Umgebung weiterzuentwickeln. Die familiäre Atmosphäre und die achtsame Betreuung durch qualifizierte Erzieher schaffen dabei einen Ort, an dem sich die Kinder wohl und geborgen fühlen.

Unser Haus

Unser Ansatz

Unsere Stärken


Daycare voucher

The daycare voucher system ensures that Hamburg families receive childcare that meets their needs. The aim is to guarantee children the care they need and to provide them with high-quality care, education and support.

Crib area

The crèche area is specially equipped to care for toddlers aged 0-3 years and offers an age-appropriate environment and educational care.

Elementary level

The elementary area is aimed at children aged 3-6 and promotes their development through various learning opportunities, activities and age-appropriate rooms.

Special health and/or nutrition concept

A special health and/or nutrition concept places emphasis on a healthy, balanced diet and promotes awareness of healthy lifestyle habits among children.

Pedagogical concepts

Early musical education

Early musical education integrates music, singing and movement into everyday daycare life and thus promotes the musical and creative development of children.Read more

Regular offer (fixed group structure)

Regular offer (fixed group structure) organizes the day-to-day life in fixed groups in which the children learn and pursue activities together.

Nature and environmental education

Nature and environmental education places value on nature experiences and environmental protection and promotes the development of ecological awareness among children.

Aesthetic education (music and art)

Aesthetic education (music and art) integrates artistic and musical activities to promote children's creative and aesthetic development.

Situation-oriented approach

The situation-oriented approach refers to the individual needs and interests of the children and promotes their self-determination and participation.

Opening hours

Monday8:00 - 16:00Tuesday8:00 - 16:00Wednesday8:00 - 16:00Thursday8:00 - 16:00Friday8:00 - 16:00Saturday-Sunday-


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