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Freinet pedagogy

The pedagogical approach goes back to Celestin Freinet and places the development of the child at the centre of educational activity. Central to Freinet's reform pedagogical approach is the connection between pedagogy and politics, school and democracy.

Portrait von Célestin Freinet©

A pedagogy for the people

Célestin Freinet was born in France in 1896 to a peasant family. He fought in the First World War and was severely wounded in the lung, which he barely survived. The injury led him to become a teacher after the end of the First World War. In 1934, Freinet created his own pedagogical approach from this. The educator was involved in the resistance against National Socialism during the Second World War and died in 1966. His approach is characterised above all by being a pedagogy for the people.

Work - central element of the concept

In Freinet's pedagogy - similar to that ofMaria Montessori - the educational development of children is linked to the theme of occupation. According to Freinet, children strive to learn and to engage in creative and manual activities. They have a creative urge, so to speak, and this should be encouraged and supported by the educators: They have a creative urge, so to speak, and this urge should be encouraged and supported by the teachers. In Freinet's pedagogy, the children are no longer passively bound to the school desks and forced to listen, but are allowed to actively participate in the lessons and are even encouraged to do so by the teachers: They should even be encouraged to do so by the teachers. Freinet mentions the following possibilities for this:

The teaching materials in the Freinet approach are natural materials, work library and books or tools, less in use are classical school books and exercise books. The children should - as withPestalozzi orFröbel - learning with heart, brain and mind. The lessons are to be designed jointly by pupils and teachers. The central element is to promote the children's self-determination and personal responsibility. Teachers therefore have above all a helping, advising and supporting function. According to Freinet, children should recognise their needs and see themselves as part of a community. The freedom to do anything as long as it does not restrict others is the premise in this pedagogical concept, which is still a fundamental component in teaching designs in Europe today.

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